Wednesday, March 24, 2010

catching up...

I realize I am a bit behind. Seems like everyone says that when it comes to having to keep up with a BLOG and Facebook and other social media. I love what I do, but I think I need some help keeping up with all of this stuff! ;) Here is a little bit of what has been going on around here- enjoy!

About a year and a half, there must have been something going around in all the water, because I also photographed about 6 babies in one week! I love those sweet baby faces! I will post a few of those sweet little souls as well as a new baby book that I just finished designing.
Love these little toes...

I had the opportunity to photograph this sweet little one 3 years ago! Thanks to the Woods Family for coming back! I also got to photograph her brother, who last time I photographed was a newborn ;)

and there you have it...the beautiful and handsome Woods Children and just some of the babies that have allowed me to photograph their sweet faces!
ok a few more families that I love...     ;)

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